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lisa, Jun 2018
Hi Missy!!
I'm Lisa - the PnF game administrator. My pet Scaredy Cat and I would like to welcome you to Pets 'n' Friends!! We would also like to be friends with you here. To be our friend, click on this link: Scaredy Cat's Page which will take you to my pet page. Once there, you'll see a pair of penguins next to my name - click the "add" button and Quinn and Scaredy Cat will be friends!! Then they can shake paws, give each other Silver Moles and have lots of fun!!

One of my assistants posted some helpful links that will direct you to both the PnF group page as well as the directory that allows you to visit lots of other players. I hope that you'll be able to find your way around - but if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to us - we are all here to help!!

Hope you have lots of fun!

MissyLynn, Jun 2018
thank you
Jolie Mae Lovett, Jun 2018
Welcome to the fun! Please do let us know if you need any help. :-)
Debbie James, Jun 2018
Welcome to the game!! I hope you have fun here in our little community!

You fed Quinn one Bacon Strips!
She rates this food +4.
"I would only eat this once in a blue moon."
You get +12 for being the first to feed this to her.
You score + 16 and so does Quinn.
MissyLynn, Jun 2018
thank you